Reasonably Ascertainable Reality

Thoughts and musings on current events and other random occurrences.

Location: South Jersey, United States

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Pharmacists and their morality

I have been reading a bit about the new trend in pharmacy--refusing to fill some prescriptions based on their moral values and what they believe. I can't tell you how disgusting I think this is. Environmental Republican supports the right of pharmacists to sell whatever they want, or to not sell whatever they want. The problem is, his parallel doesn't hold up to scrutiny. A 'handful of pharmacies' refusing to sell the 'morning after' pill in NYC or other suburbs doesn't mean limited access, but in rural Alabama, where this is more likely to happen, it does. As a typical conservative, he feels that this problem is only attached to things like birth control and abortion. What about when these pharmacists start feeling their oats and denying customers access to medication for STDs or AIDS medications because they feel that people shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage and that AIDS is a plague from God to punish homosexuals. Limited access in areas where there aren't that many pharmacies is a real problem. I have an idea, if you don't like selling medication that you believe is morally wrong, DON'T BECOME A PHARMACIST. Comparing medication to cigarettes is just silly. This is about people's health and well being. If you cut out the 'morning after' pill, its just a hop, skip and jump away from cutting off other medication that could be interpreted to be morally wrong. I bet none of these pharmacies have any problem with selling Viagra though, because that is important medication.


Blogger Scott said...

The simple fact is clear; a business owner has the right to decide what he wants to sell. If a rural pharmacist doesn't want to sell protease inhibitors to combat HIV, he has the right to not sell them if he feels morally that he should not.

Let's imagine that you, K are a legal aid lawyer. Let's further imagine that you are representing Eric Rudolph or Timothy McVeigh. Do you represent them?

Enough of the slippery slope arguments as they only lead to...well, nothing.

America is a Capitalist nation whether you like it or not. Business owners reserve the right to sell or not sell any item they wish. The government has no place intruding in that.

As a business owner, I have the absolute right to not conduct business with anyone that I find morally bankrupt. I further will have to suffer the consequence of that action which would include lost business.

You label me a "typical conservative" which I am not. I am a person who believes in the things that made us the greatest nation on earth; a free-market economy, the spread of democracy and freedom from government intervention in cases where it's intrusion will not contribute to the greater good.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

BTW, what makes the morning after pill any different than cigarettes?

Do you not think that utilizing abortion as a birth control method is distasteful?

With all of the available methods of birth control that do not include the sperm meeting the egg, why push so hard for this "oops" method.

How about this idea, if you use proper birth control, you won't need the damn pill.

8:00 PM  
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